Basic crochet abbreviations and terms: a complete list

Most Common Terms and Abbreviations Used in Crochet

When you’re just getting started, the world of crochet can sometimes feel like it has its own language. Use this guide to help you navigate crochet patterns with ease.

Abbreviation Description
BL or BLO back loop or back loop only
ch chain stitch or turning chain
ch-sp chain space
dc double crochet
dec decrease
FL or FLO front loop or front loop only
hdc half double crochet
inc increase
rnd round
rep repeat
RS right side
sc single crochet
sk skip
sl st slip stitch
sm stitch marker
sp space
st stitch
tc, tr or trc treble crochet
WS wrong side

Differences between the US/Canada, and the UK

To make matters more confusing: certain basic stitches, such as single crochet, half double crochet, and double crochet, share the same stitch name in the US/Canada and in the UK, but are indicating different stitches. For example, a US single crochet is referred to a double crochet in the UK. This is because the UK terminology refers to the number of loops on your hook, whilst the US terminology refers to the number of yarnovers when pulling up your first loop. A US single crochet or UK double crochet has one yarnover (single!), but two loops on the hook after pulling up a loop from the stitch (double!)

So, how to use this information? First off, when following a pattern, always make sure to be check what terminology the pattern writer is using throughout the pattern. Then, if necessary, use the conversion chart below to convert any US crochet pattern to a UK crochet pattern and vice versa in an easy way.

US/Canada U.K.
slip stitch (sl st) slip stitch (ss)
single crochet (sc) double crochet (dc)
half double crochet (hdc) half treble crochet (htc or htr)
double crochet (dc) treble crochet (tc, tr or trc)
treble crochet (tc, tr or trc) double treble crochet (dtc or dtr)

*Keep in mind that all abbreviations used in my (devout hand) patterns are in US terminology.

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